Sunday, August 7, 2011

How can I get ahead with pumping my milk?

Our baby is now 16 days old and has had a LOT of trouble breast feeding. He was born tongue tied and could not latch properly so I had to start pumping and bottle feeding because his jaundice levels were increasing and he needed to eat. We finally had our pediatrician see him and clip under his tongue which was supposed to allow him to latch properly. However he still can't seem to do it. Ive been going back to the breast feeding clinic at the hospital every 2-3 days to work with him on it, however I bought a medela breast pump and have been pumping and bottle feeding as well. How can I get ahead with pumping? It seems like I can't get ahead I'm only able just to have one to two bottles ready for him where as people are telling me to freeze all the extra milk. I don't have all this extra milk? Should I start pumping more so that I can increase the ammount of milk I have? Also now that he is 16 days old do you think my chances of getting him to breast feed are ruined? He will ONLY do it if I wear a nipple shield, if I offer him a bare nipple.... Forget it. I'm happy that he's at least getting all breast milk, but I would love the bond of breast feeing too . Any tips?

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